Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Day After

Hey, look, I'm alive!  :-)

There's definitely a different perspective on this side of this surgery.  Of course, I knew that. I'm just glad to have it now.

I have to say, yesterday was probably one of the most difficult days of my life.  I've been through worse obviously, but wow, when I look at some of the big things I've been through in my life, yesterday will definitely rank up towards the top. 

As I mentioned, the day seemed to move in slow motion.  I can remember every move from looking out the window on the drive in, parking, walking in, sitting down in the waiting area, the nurse coming to get me, getting my blood pressure taken ( was HIGH the first time...ya think?!), answering questions, putting on the gown, talking to my doctor and the anesthesiologist and then breaking down in tears.  It all seemed so surreal.  Almost as though I was watching it from outside my body.

Walking into the operating room was the scariest thing I can remember doing in my life.  Every ounce of me wanted to run.  I focused on my breathing the best I could, but I couldn't stop the shaking once I laid on the operating table.  The anesthesiologist went to work quickly trying to find a vein, but my flight or fright response was in full effect at this point and my normally GREAT veins became fairly non-existent.  The first time didn't work, the second time apparently wasn't perfect but I could hear the anesthesiologist and the nurse discussing it and they decided to go with it.  I looked over to say something to the anesthesiologist and then the sedative hit me.  I couldn't keep my eyes open, the room started to spin, I vaguely remember the oxygen mask going on my face and then that was it until I woke up in the recovery room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BREAK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

So, as I was writing the above, I had a bit of a set back and a reminder that I did just have surgery yesterday.  I was sitting up typing and I started getting dizzy and Olly mentioned I should probably eat.  My wonderful Julie had brought over a coffee and a scone for me and I finished both of those, but I suppose it was a lot of sugar over some decent protein.  So, I made my way downstairs to look for something to eat, but nothing sounded good.  As I was standing in the kitchen, I felt like I was going to pass out.  I made my way to the couch and sat down.  I asked for some orange juice and guzzled that down.  After sitting for a while, I started to feel better.  I decided it was best for me to lie back down so made my way back upstairs and proceeded to lay down for the past couple of hours.  I feel better again, but not great.  I obviously just over did it (even though I didn't do much), and my body reminded me that I'm not superwoman (whatever...).  

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Now where was I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Oh I woke up in recovery and was pretty uncomfortable.  But my first thought was how happy I was to have survived.  :-)  Then I was pleased to get some juice and animal crackers and I asked to have Olly brought in the room.  I was so happy to see him.  :-)  Everything seemed to be so much better simply because I was done.  A very kind nurse was bringing me everything I needed.  The anesthesiologist came in and said, "Well, you're no longer a surgery virgin".  I would have liked to have hung on to that virginity forever, but I guess I should be glad I kept it for 43 years.  And although I'd say that my first experience wasn't too bad...I'd rather not do it again.  ;-)

The nurse read me the note that my doctor left for me.  It was a sweet note and said that she found a lot of things, but nothing too serious which was great to hear.  Turns out I had some scar tissue which had adhered to my intestine and was also sitting on a nerve which she believed was causing the pain.  She also felt that the ovarian cyst was likely causing me pain but said that it was a completely benign cyst.  So, all in all, I think that if losing that cyst and scar tissue was all that was needed, then things couldn't have turned out much better.  The polyp in my uterus will be biopsied and I expect that it will be benign as well.

So, on to recovery.  Last night was uncomfortable.  I took two Vicodin (lost my pain med virginity then too) in recovery and the trip home was pretty miserable.  Over the course of the evening I think I took two more Vicodin but the last one was at 7:30pm.  I slept pretty well all night and then woke up this morning needing to move.  I don't lie in bed for hours and hours and the lying down was getting to me.  My left hand was pretty swollen from the IV and I had to squeeze off my wedding ring.  I iced it and the swelling progressively went down.  Although after my little set back above, it started swelling up again.


Necessary food break.  A nice plate of scrambled eggs and cut up nectarine.   Thanks Olly.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Let's see if I can finish this thing I started hours ago~~~~~~~
It's been a good learning experience.  I have to remember that I am human.  My body has been through a major event (I don't give a rip if it's called "minor" was major to me...).  I constantly remind new moms that no matter how good they feel, they MUST rest post-birth.  Their body has gone from 2 to 1, they must rest.  I'm learning that I must take my own advice as well.  I know better...but I'm the worst possible patient.  I hate just sitting around.  I hate it.  

Just before I had my little set back, I had asked Olly to go to the health food store to get me some homeopathy.  Then, my set back hit and I no longer wanted him to leave.  I still don't want him to go.  This morning I told him I thought he could go to work tomorrow just fine, but now I'm no longer sure.  

I guess it's just back to taking one moment at a time.  I'm still happier doing that on this side than pre-surgery. final note...I mentioned that I baked brownies to bring with me.  THAT was a very good move.  Someone actually put a sticky note on my chart so that every time someone opened up my chart, it said I was the one that brought the caramel brownies.  The doctor mentioned it, the anesthesiologist mentioned it, the nurse mentioned it and when she walked me into surgery, she announced, "This is Kelli, she brought the brownies" and the room erupted in a cheer and thank yous.  If I had been in a better place and not scared to death, I probably would have appreciated it more.  But I gotta tell you...I will ALWAYS bring goodies to any future procedure.  :-)  I highly recommend it.  

Okay, this has been an hours long procedure to get this posted and it's certainly long enough, so I'm going to cut it off and get back to resting for the remainder of the day.  Keep those good thoughts coming as I work my way through the recovery process.  And thank you for all the good thoughts that came my way yesterday.  I felt them all and brought them all with me into the operating room!  :)

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